We are a full service Veterinary General hospital and cover all your pet’s medical needs. We perform services such as physical exams, routine preventive medicine and diagnostics, emergency, day treatment intensive care, blood transfusions, full in-house hospitalization, diagnostics, boarding, basic grooming, general medicine, internal medicine, humane euthanasia, in-house laboratory diagnostics ( lab results within 30 minutes ) CBC, chemistry, Fecal Float and Giardia Elisa Tests, Parvovirus Tests, FELV and FIV Tests, basic cytology, full body digital X-rays, contrast radiography, and carry pharmaceuticals.
For more support as part of the Animal Health Community we also work with outside Referral Specialty Hospitals for those complicated cases in order to help our patients needs.
Doctor exams are highly recommended every six months or depending on age or medical condition. This is to protect your pet and avoid preventable medical emergencies, pain and suffering.
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Other Services
At Vet Care Animal Center we also provide other services such as: Anal Gland Expression, Baths, Day Boarding, Complete Hair Shave Downs, Microchips, and Pedicures.
Anal Gland Expression
When the Anal Gland are to fully, it is highly recommended to Express the Anal Gland to remove any remaining stool that the pet is unable to release on their own.
Baths: Flea & Medicated
Here at Vet Care Animal Center we provide Baths that can consists of regular baths, Flea Dip, and Medicated Baths. Flea Dips help your pet that is infested with fleas to help kill fleas, ticks, and eggs. Medicated Bath’s help with pets that have skin problems such as Ringworm
Day Boarding & Medicated Boarding
For Pet parents seeking a day care alternative. Here at Vet Care Animal Center we will provide this service for you. you pet will be enjoy the privacy, walk and play time without an overnight stay. Perfect option for pets with special needs (Post-Surgical. patients and boarding with medication. don’t worry about it. We will provide this service for you too. For more info call us at (818) 364-1544
Complete Hair Shave Downs
We do complete shave downs for your pets if necessary.
Microchips have been responsible for reuniting thousands of lost pets with their owners. We utilize microchip readers to identify found pets here at Vet Care Animal Center
A Pedicure is a nail trim that can be provided on your cat or dog. Nail trim is important for your pet as needed.
At Vet Care Animal Center, we have a pharmacy. Our pharmacy is fully stocked with your pets’ necessary medication and prescription diet foods.
All the pet’s necessary medications.
We have a fully stocked pharmacy that consists of: Antibiotics, Pain Medications, Supplements, etc.
Prescription Diet: Hill’s and IAMs
We here at Vet Care Animal Center provide Prescription Diet food that is needed for your pets’ well-being from Hill’s and IAMs.
Preventive Medicine
Allergy Testing
Some pets are allergic to certain foods and the environment. Some pets also have skin, gastrointestinal and other medical allergies. Allergy testing is recommended annually in case of itching or diarrhea problems.
Blood Analysis (In-House or Laboratory)
Pre-anesthetic, lab testing, heartworm testing, FELV? FIV Testing, CBC, chemistry testing for thyroid, kidneys, liver problems, and diabetes are recommended annually or based on your pet’s needs, age and condition.
Dental Cleaning
Pets undergo general anesthesia, to prevent dental diseases such as gingivitis, dental calculi, tartar, and other medical infections caused from dental bacteria. Conditions such as Valvular Heart Disease also occur from an unhealthy mouth. A blood test is recommended for all pets before general anesthesia. Dental checkups are recommended every six months. Dental cleanings are recommended every six months to a year after the age of five. The need for dentistry is also based on your pet’s particular medical condition.
Fecal Flotation/Giardia Elisa Testing
Stool testing is advised to avoid zoonosis infections especially to children and senior pet owners. Fecal exams are recommended every six months based on the new reports of the California Health Department and Zoonosis.
Flea and Tick
Preventive medicine can prevent tapeworms, tick-borne diseases, flea infestation, house fleas, tick infections, flea and tick allergies. Flea and tick medication should be applied on a monthly basis.
Internal/External Parasite Control & Testing
Internal/External Parasite Control & Testing will help your pet to determine whether or not they have parasites. Some of the worms or parasites can be contagious to family. There are different types of test that can be provided during your visit with us here at Collett Veterinary Clinic that consist of: Heartworm Testing, Fecal Floatation, Giardia Elisa, Roundworm, and/or Tapeworms.
Nutrition/Weight Management
A healthy and nutritious diet builds a foundation for overall well-being as well as preventing diseases from harming your pet throughout his or her lifetime. As a dog ages, his nutritional needs change. For example, a puppy needs a diet high in calories and protein to maintain its active lifestyle and to grow healthy bones and strong muscles. An older pet may need a diet restricted in calories and supplemented with fiber for optimum weight and gastrointestinal health.
Nutritional counseling is a vital component of your pet’s overall health and a part of the VCAC Preventive Medicine Plan. We can help you decide which food is best for your pet during each stage in his or her happy life.
Pain Management
Post-surgical, senior pets (Especially those with osteoarthritis, spondylitis, and other orthopedic conditions) should receive pain medication. This is also recommended monthly for older pets with orthopedic conditions.
Routine Check Ups
Checkups or doctor exams are recommended every six months to a year. Think about the regular care that you have received throughout your lifetime from pediatricians, dentists, physicians to allergists, ophthalmologists and so on. Why settle for anything less for your pet? Now, think about the fact that pets age an average of seven years for every one of ours—and it becomes evident why routine care is so critical.
Spay & Neuter
One of the best veterinary low-cost health care choices you can make is to spay or neuter your pet. Scheduling this important surgery early in your pet’s life could prevent many future problems, including cancer of the reproductive organs, and behavior problems such as fighting, roaming and marking, and pet overpopulation.
Spays (which are technically known as ovariohysterectomies) and neuters are routine and generally safe, but they are major surgeries that require general anesthesia and an all-day stay. Vet Care Animal Center uses safe, human-quality anesthetic agents, Isoflorane, Sevoflurane, and Propofol for a faster recovery. Depending on the age of your pet, we will develop the best anesthetic surgical plan, for each one of your pet needs and safety. Spays and neuters are usually performed when the pet’s is four to six months old. Your veterinarian will discuss all surgical options with you and help you pick the right time for your pet.
Bladder stones, kidney stones or urinary diseases and infections are common problems that can only be prevented by conducting urinalysis testing. This is recommended annually or based on your pet’s needs and age.
Vaccinations are one of mankind’s greatest medical achievements and can give your dog a long and healthy life. Vaccines protect your pet from many viral predators, including Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Canine Adenovirus, and Canine Para influenza. This vaccine is also available in combination with or without the vaccine for the Corona Virus and Leptospira Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola, Giardia, Bordetella, Lyme, and Snake Bite Vaccine. We also carry the antivenom for snake bites. Viral organisms cause a wide range of disease-related symptoms, from sneezing to bloody diarrhea and death.
Vaccinations also protect your cat from viral diseases which include: Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV), Giardia; Herpes Virus Infection, Bordetella, Panleukopenia, Feline Rhinotracheitis, Feline Panleukopenia, Feline Calicivirus, Feline Pneumonitis (Chlamydophila Psittaci). These dangerous organisms cause a wide variety of disease-related symptoms, from sneezing to death. Just like a child, your pet needs to be protected at an early age and given vaccine boosters as an adult. At your first doctor exam at Vet Care Animal Center we will develop the safest and best possible vaccination schedule for each one of your pet’s needs.
We conduct full body X-Rays and diagnostic contrast radiography. X-rays are recommended yearly for older pets. We need to check for possible age related bone problems. We also check the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, bladder, prostate, colon, for cancer or other medical conditions. X-Rays are recommended annually for pets over the age of seven.
Geriatric Medicine (Senior Pets) and Treatment
Geriatric Medicine (Senior Pets) and Treatment is part of Vet Care animal center’s preventive medicine. This is usually recommended for senior dogs and cats that are over 7 years of age. Complete check-up specials include: Full Blood Panel, Heartworm Test (Canine), Felv/FIV Test (Feline), Urinalysis, X-Rays, Fecal Floatation (Optional), and/or Giardia Elisa (Optional).
Small Farm Animals Medicine
Small Farm Animal Medicine consists of examining small farm animals and diagnostics. From there the doctor will determine which surgery suits best sometimes following surgery performed here at Vet Care Animal Center.
Exotic Animal Medicine
Exotic Animal Medicine consists of having your exotic animals being examined. Here at Vet Care Animal Center we provide a service of helping your exotic animals and help to treat their diagnostics.
Small Animal Medicine & Surgery
Small Animal Medicine & Surgery consists of checking for your pet’s health in resolving health issues or by simply participating in preventive medicine. We also provide Surgery’s here for your pet like: Spay, Neuter, Dentistry, Etc.