Located at 13815 Sayre St. Sylmar,CA (By the 210 and 118 freeway).
We have been committed to help you and your pets since 1969.
Medicina de Animales exóticos y Cirugía
Aquí, en vet care animal center ofrecemos un servicio de consulta para sus animales exóticos y ayudar a tratar su diagnóstico.
Testimonials from Clients.
A Google User My chihuahua was attacked by coyotes and had serious internal injuries including injuries in his lungs, trachea, stomach and legs. When I contact vet care […] Read More.
Canine Parvovirus (PARVO)
Parvo is a very infectious disease of dogs. It is caused by the virus, Parvovirus enteritist and is primarily a disease of puppies and young dogs less than […] Read More.
Lyme disease (Proceedings)
By: Stephen C. Barr, BVSc, MVS, PhD, DACVIM In the USA, caused by spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi – it is the most common tick-transmitted zoonotic diseases in North America. […] Read More.